"World Kids' Art Gallery"   "Global Kids Art Workshop"

It is a free "Virtual Gallery for Exhibiting Artwork" for children around the world.

Once you have registered your artwork, you can independently use this virtual "Children's Gallery" to host new exhibitions as many times as you like.

We will hold international painting classes using "subtitled ZOOM" between participating schools through children's art.

By exposing children to different languages and cultures during their early years, they naturally deepen mutual understanding and foster creativity and international friendships.

                                                                                                      Illustrated by Estel Peat ( Holland )

Words from wise individuals, physicians, and scholars around the world   Words from supporters and prominent figures around the world
                                    Illustrated by Estel Peat ( Holland )

Need English page

The "International Creators' Organization" (ICO) is an institution for professional artists connecting 72 cities in 52 countries worldwide. From 1962 to 2001, for approximately 40 years, ICO supported talented creators who struggled with self-promotion activities by publishing art books, thus promoting and enlightening their activities in the international market.

Unfortunately, around 2002, due to the aging of members in various cities and the transformation of innovative information systems, the organization ceased its activities. However, through ICO's efforts, it brought many talented yet unknown artists to the international art market, which remains a source of great pride for us.

In recent years, amidst the increasing conflicts around the world, we are deeply concerned about the future of the innocent children who will grow up in this environment. While our capabilities are limited, we have decided to create a "platform" for exchange, themed around children's art as a visual language. Though modest, this meaningful project seeks your support and encouragement.

ICO Friends Around the World

        ICO Art Publications   World Art University Network  "UNIVERSIART"
ICO's Artist Enlightenment Activities "Archive Events"   Various Exhibitions for ICO   Artists Domestic Activities in Japan
International Renowned Artists "Fin ArtistS"」    International Renowned Artists "Illustrators"

「国際子どもアート・ワークショツプ」を通せば、言語の壁や文化の違いを乗り越えて、世界中の子供が皆 君の「幼なじみ」の友達になります! By participating in the "International Children's Art Workshop," you can overcome language barriers and cultural differences, and children from all over the world will become your "childhood friends" !

"World Kids Art Gallery" project
Organization Promotion Committee








「国際子どもアート・ワークショツプ」を通せば、言語の壁や文化の違いを乗り越えて、世界中の子供が皆 君の「幼なじみ」の友達になります! By participating in the "International Children's Art Workshop," you can overcome language barriers and cultural differences, and children from all over the world will become your "childhood friends" !

"地球のこどもは、みんな君の友だち"   "All the kids of the earth are your friends"   "地球上所有的孩子都是你的朋友"   "Tutti i bambini della terra sono i tuoi amici"   "Alle Kinder der Erde sind deine Freunde"   "Tous les enfants de la terre sont vos amis"