■ Dr Olive Johnston (Australia) ■ Akira Mochizuki (Japan) ■ Kyoko Watanabe (Japan)
■ Sister Maria (Italy) Elizabeth Taylor (United Satats) Katherine Quinn (United Satats)
■ Silvia Accorrà (Italy) Jo Sickbert ( United Satats ) Takeshi Yorou (Japan)

Elizabeth Taylor
(United Satats)
(An Actress)

Message from the late Elizabeth Taylor to ICO

In the past we at ICO have been engaged in volunteer activities for young creators. We were active during the period of worldwide AIDS prevalence, and were delighted when the late Ms. Elizabeth Taylor sent us a supportive message along with her photo. Elizabeth was concerned about the AIDS virus, which has similarities to the current Covid pandemic. Calling attention to young people and children was a tribute to her beloved deceased husband. She wanted AIDS eradicated. Please use her sentiment to protect your children from Covid.

We will refrain from posting Elizabeth’s message to respect her privacy, however her intent was delivered together with the following Young ICO art publication to the art college students of the following member schools, then exceeding more than 500 ICOs around the world.

World's "Young ICO" member schools